Education is one way to invest. With the right education and right then expected at a later date will result in an ability and skills better.
For parents, education is one important factor that must be considered in determining the success of children. But to achieve all that is required no small cost and a long time. For example, to complete the education ladder up to the level of scholar takes about 22 years in Indonesia following the standard curriculum, although it is possible to complete within 2-3 years shorter when following an international curriculum standards of the education system, with a far greater cost of course .
Therefore, the necessary funds that are specifically saved to finance education. We have had many available investment vehicle dedicated to raising funds for education, among others Education Savings and Insurance Education. Both forward the practicality of the depositors or policyholders because they generally provide health auto debit from a savings everyday making it easier in terms of payment.
Education Savings is one of the most practical way in preparing the education fund because it usually requires the Education Savings deposit funds each month during the fixed period of time at a rate equal to the regular savings interest rate. Its deposits can be debited directly (auto debit) from parents' savings accounts in accordance with earlier agreements. This makes us each month for the sake of saving children's education.
While the Insurance Education in essence a part of a special life insurance for children's education. Policyholders would get insurance protection as well as cash. For example, if the parent dies then the child will receive compensation amounting to the value of insurance coverage that can be used as an education fund. Conversely, if parents are not dead then the parents will receive a share of the value tunainya with interest rates that are usually above the level of deposit rates. The cash we can use as children's education fund.
In choosing which type of investment that will be used for children's education, we still have to pay attention to the wise and appropriate, tailored to the needs and available funds.
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