Sunday, 31 July 2011

Avoid the appearance of Case In Insurance

AXA Professional Financial Consultant: Insurance cases in Indonesia is quite prevalent in society, for large scale call Manulife and Prudential insurance case that enough attention. The question is, who also bear the impact of these cases? Nothing else is not: the public.

Not infrequently there is a case where the insured does not get compensation from the filing of claims. There are also cases where the insured party bad faith conduct in making claims, for example by deliberately set fires on his property in order to get compensation. There are also cases where the insured beyond that to bad faith, for example with the murder of the insured in order to obtain life insurance claims.

Communities are required to be more careful before signing an insurance policy. It is advisable to carefully read the contents of the policy, in terms of what claims can be filed. Prospective insured is entitled to ask clearly what conditions that allow them to file a claim. Insurers, in this case called the insurer must also explain in detail, so that later on does not happen kesalapahaman arising from obscurity the contents of the policy. There are times when the contents of the policy implies an ambiguous (not clear, contain more than one meaning), in the event of a claim then the company should compensate asuransilah, since it is they who create the content of the contract (policy) insurance.

The government recommends insurers, including the agents not only seeks to maximize the amount of premiums they collect from the public, but can maintain public confidence. However insurance companies like banks, to collect funds from the community. So the trust of the community must be maintained as well as possible. The agent should be really controlled by what the contents of insurance policies, because it is not uncommon in society, the agents tried to attract the prospective insured as much as possible with the lure of the lure, but if there is a claim, they are hands-off and the insured's claim was rejected. Statements such as "is the obligation of the insured to read an insurance contract" must be eliminated.

Now these people who have problems in filing his claim can contact BMAI Agency (Badan Media Asuransi Indonesia). BMAI been in operation since 25 September 2006 and is an independent and impartial institution that provides services for dispute settlement claims (claims for compensation or benefits) of insurance between an insurance company with the policyholder (the insured). Establishment BMAI initiated all Insurance Companies Association of Indonesia, namely AAUI, AAJI, AAJSI, and supported the Minister of Finance as a regulator of insurance business. BMAI have an independent mediator in charge of settling disputes through a mediation process insurance claims. Dispute settlement of insurance claims assistance is provided free of charge.

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